List of Zip codes for All States in Nigeria


You’re probably not new to postal codes. Guess you’ve seen it online when you’re ordering goods, filing forms for official purposes, and job applications. Without a postal code, you won’t be able to send items from one location to another.

Postal codes are a group of letters or digits included in a postal address. These codes serve as indicators for delivering mail and parcels around a given geographical location. Nigeria is divided into 6 geographical zones, which make up the first digit of the code.

In purchasing a product online, you’ll be required to provide a Zip code for delivery purposes. While some countries’ postal codes are denoted by alphabets, Nigeria’s zip codes comprise only 6 digits. Typically, Zip stands for

  • Z- Zone
  • I- Improvement
  • P- Plan

The 6-digit zip code denotes the following:

  • The first 3 digits represent the district or area for the outgoing sorting
  • The second 3 digits indicate the delivery location

For example, the code of Abia state is 440001.

  • 440 represents the state code
  • 001 stands for the head department in each region.

If you’re sending a mail or parcel to another department in that same region, you’ll need to find out about the code.

List Of Zip Codes By State in Nigeria

Below are the 36 states in Nigeria and their zip codes.

1. Abia                 440001

2. Adamawa         640001

3. Akwa Ibom       520001

4. Anambra          420001

5. Bauchi              740001

6. Bayelsa             561001

7. Benue               970001

8. Borno                600001

9. Cross River        540001

10. Delta               320001

11. Ebonyi             840001

12. Edo                 300001

13. Ekiti                360001

14. Enugu             400001

15. Gombe            760001

16. Imo                 460001

17. Jigawa             720001

18. Kaduna            700001

19. Kano                800001

20. Katsina            820001

21. Kebbi               860001

22. Kogi                260001

23. Kwara             240001

24. Lagos              100001

25. Nassarawa       962001

26. Niger               920001

27. Ogun               110001

28. Ondo               340001

29. Osun               230001

30. Oyo                200001

31. Plateau           930001

32. Rivers             500001

33. Sokoto            840001

34. Taraba           660001

35. Yobe              320001

36. Zamfara         860001

FCT                     900001

The above-listed codes are unique codes for each state.


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